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Weight Gain Care Plan

Being underweight makes you more prone to sickness and infection because of your low resistance power.

Being underweight is not being healthy too. You can have a host of complications, apart from being prone to frequent bouts of sickness. Eating more is not the solution for gaining weight, as many have painfully realized.

Weight gain needs to be managed through a structured diet and nutrition plan. Because no two people are alike, approaches to managing weight gain must be tailored to each person. Also the plan needs to take into consideration your medical history, lifestyle and food preferences.

Your customized weight gain plan will be charted, taking into consideration various factors including:

Calorific value of your daily diet plan: To gain weight, it is important to consume calorie dense foods at frequent intervals. Some examples include nutty foods, which are high in calories and also dense in nutrients.

High Protein & High Fiber food: The focus should be to consume good quality proteins and foods that are rich in fiber such as whole fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.

All consultation plans include up to 4 consultations FREE per month.Check out our pricing plans


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